Wednesday, July 20, 2011

HELP! I have a 8 year old lhasa apso?

My lhasa apso turned 8 in March. She whimpers when she tries to jump up on the couch. Is this a sign of arthritis? Should I take her to the vet?

Damn earwigs everywhere...?

My house has recently became inhabited with earwigs, they are in no particular one place either. The ceiling, kitchen floor, bathroom, sink, my bedspread... I don't even know how to go about dealing with them. I would love them gone tho... Help?

Does my school have a right to ask for my parents income tax returns?

I'm going to Kent State University. My EFC is above my 'financial need'. All that I expect to get is a parent PLUS loan. The school won't even tell me whether I have any scholarships or anything pending if I turn in my parents W-2s and tax returns. I don't think they have the right to ask for this stuff considering the circumstances. It's really none of their business what my parents spend their money on. Is there a way to find out whether I have anything pending? Also, are there any rights I have regarding privacy to not give them the tax returns? I tried emailing the financial aid counselor and they don't know a damn thing. Honestly they get salaries??!! BS!! They told me to use the online scholarship search tool which comes up with random **** like scholarships for people whose parents work for certain companies or who have financial need. They tried telling me that most of the scholarships were merit based. WOW they haven't even looked at the site before obviously.

Whats wrong with my dog?

I got my dog at a shelter and had her for about 2 years we were told she was 2 years old.. all of sudden she's been breathing heavy and shaking also falling over to her left side when she shakes or tries to jump..this has been happening for about 3 weeks.. took her to the vet they took blood work and the stuff they tested for came back normal..all they saw was she was a bit dehydrated.. shes a lhasa apso mix weighs about 30 pounds usually very active and loves to jump on furniture and people but know she shakes wen she even "stands up" or tries to jump. ...what else should i get her tested for. or what else could it be?

How should I travel with my dog on a plane?

Well, Delta Airlines is actually not too strict with what you use. I would suggest a small cage, one that's not too hard shelled. Maybe a hard shelled bottom with a fabric top? Make sure and put absorbing fabric on the bottom, and put a blanket over the cage to calm the dog down. Talk to the dog if there is any turbulence so he knows you are there. At any last resort, medication to help the dog fall asleep or to calm it down would be of good use. Hope this helps! :)

Ladies: How to get a hard-to-get girl?

Typical romance novel. HAHA. But you should just try to be sweet and patient. Say hi to her, become her friend first and when she's comfortable with you, then BAM. Pull out the big guns. Give her flowers, be extra sweet. This might take a while since she might have had trauma or something from people who broke her heart. Make sure you are ready first before committing :-bd Good luck.

What should I do about my Lhasa Apso's aggressive behavior?

I have a 7 year old male Lhasa Apso who is EXTREMELY aggressive. He growls every time you pick him up or touch him and he tries to bite if you try to give him medicine, put drops in his ears etc...I'm at the end of my rope. I don't know what to do with him anymore. He doesn't listen and he really seems to hate me. I would hate to bring him to the Humane Society because I don't want him to be put down but I am running out of options.

Do you agree with the NY Times that obama is putting politics ahead of economic policies to help the economy?

Considering that article is just a list of republican talking points, no, I don't think the Times "gets it."

How can I get my dog to stop being aggressive towards dogs and men/boys?

First things first, is he neutered? If not, save up the money to get him fixed, you would be surprised at how much that makes a difference in your dogs behavior! Second, the Lhasa Apso breed is known to be nervous and even aggressive around other dogs, strangers, and small children, of course this makes them untrustworthy so you will always need to keep an eye on him in situations that he might bite someone or another pooch. Often times socialization as puppies will help tone down this behavior but since you said that he is an adult now your going to have your work cut out for you. Here are some things you can try. One is positive reinforcement. Boil some chicken and invite a male friend over. (Make sure this friend of yours is patient and willing to help you.) When your friend arrives make sure you have a leash on your dog. Go sit in the living room or another room where there is a doorway that your friend can walk out of so that your dog cannot see him. Once you have found this spot make your friend wait out of sight. Chances are that your dog is going to know he is there and bark even though he cant see the man, that's okay. Have your friend come into view, as soon as you know your dog sees him make a distracting noise such as a high-pitched squeak to get his attention. This will make him stop barking for a split second, give him the treat immediately and have your friend walk back out of sight. You dog will probably go right back to barking so repeat the process over and over again. Eventually he will see your friend and instantly look to you for a treat! Once this happens move onto the next step. Have your friend step in the room and give your dog the treat just like earlier only this time have your buddy stay insight after the treat has been rewarded. Wait a few seconds after you give him the treat and have your friend take a small step towards you. If your dog does not bark automatically reward him. (Something I forgot to mention, speech is important to praise, praise him in a height pitched squeaky voice, they understand voice pitch more than you might know). Keep rewarding him for every step your friend takes without a peep from him. If he barks at any point send your guy back out into the hall and start again with the entrance and the one step at a time phase. Eventually your friend should be able to sit within hands reach of the dog without a reaction. (Be sure to keep his leash in your hand to prevent any unexpected attacks!) Once your friend is sitting within touching distance of the dog hand him the treats. Have your friend hold a treat in both hands but only offer one treat to the dog. The treat he offers the dog should be in a lose closed fist with the back of his hand pointing towards the ceiling. When the dog leans forward to get the treat have him slowly offer him the treat in the other hand (not the hand that he has held out to the dog.) When the dog accepts the treat without a reaction praise him. Continue doing this until the dog is comfortable enough to walk up to your friend to receive a treat on his own. After doing this for a while have your friend leave and come back in a few hours, or you could even get another friend to help you. If needed start over from the beginning. With persistence he should start realizing that strangers are a good thing, after all every time he sees someone new and doesn't react he gets boiled chicken!! When it comes to other dogs, you can do the same thing, have a friend bring a very docile dog to your house, one that would run rather than fight. Every time he sees the dog and doesn't react reward him! Keep starting over until they get close enough to smell each other and then start over. Remember he needs to stay on a leash. Take him for walks in a dog park, and go on one of the lesser used trails. Every time a dog passes and he doesn't react reward him, if he does react make a distracting noise so you can get his attention, as soon as he starts looking at you instead of barking at the other dog reward him. You should soon be able to cross another dogs path without a reaction! Keep in mind, these dogs are known to be aggressive so you wont ever be able to leave him unsupervised in an environment where he might attack. Also once you start this training keep up with it, always keep fresh boiled chicken or some other tasty but healthy treat around. I wish you luck! Let me know if you try this and if it works please!

Best Dog Breed for Me?

The chillest dog in the world is the Shiba Inu. So freaking chill. Not lazy, but just chill and happy-go-lucky. Also more on the independent side, so not clingy.

Low tension ACB trips frequntly , indication show Ground Fault even in isolated connection at outgoing ?

expert in HT installation says if 22kV incomer is having loose connection , it is possible . could any one ellaborate ?

Why are so many young men choosing to remain bachelor's and seem bitter at women and even mock men who marry?

I am a 35 year old Professional male attorney.I am happy in life,love my job and fiancee. I am getting married in December. It seems that a lot of my friends from college and at work who range in age from 25-45 are refusing to get married and seem bitter at women. On fellow coworker who is an Attorney as well stated to me that if I get divorced I will lose half my money and custody of children(I want kids). Many of my friends, who are considered handsome guys with money have absolutely stated they will not marry wahtsoever and some have given up on women completely. My friend who I will call "Jeff" is advising me not to get married that most marriages end in divorce.Jeff has been hurt by women in the past(His last girlfriend of 5 yrs left him for another guy).Jeff claims he was a "nice guy" and his ex girlfriend left him for a "jerk" who treat her badly.I told Jeff that not all women are like that and a good marriage can be a beautiful thing.It seems like these guys just want to remain bachelors and some of them I think really hate women cause they have been hurt. I feel like as a man getting married a target of ridicule by other men.I rarely bring my fiancee around these guys inasmuch as she feels a hostility from them. It really doesn't matter what these men think of me and I am not sure I even want to be friends with them anymore. My only concern is the future for my kids(I do want kids). If too many men are bitter and choose to remain unmarried, there will be a drastic population shift in declining childbirth rates.Plus,if I am blessed to have a healthy child who is a female she will have little available men to date in the future which is a damn shame. There are a lot of good women out there who would love to marry(My fiancee's best friend is dating a guy for 5 yrs and he has not even proposed to her) My friend "Jeff" .is even involved in a movement called "men going their own way"(MGTOW) part of this so called Mens Rights movement (similar to feminism for women. I went on the website "Happy Bachelors" and it appeared to me just a bunch of successful bachelor men who are bitter at women, and actually encouraging men to "Boycott Marriage".There was one gentlemen on one male blog who actually allegedly said he "he has now become homosexual" because of his hurt in the past by women. This is absolutely ridiculous and a damn shame for my future daughter(if I have a girl) and many young nice pretty unmarried woman looking for husbands.There will be a severe shortage of eligible men from what I sadly see amongst many men today

My dog is shaking and I don't know why. Is there something wrong with him?

Okay so my dog is like 3 years old. And hes a Lhasa Apso. He keeps shaking for like I'm not sure but 3 weeks? Well my dad shaved him because he has a lot of knots so yea.Is there something wrong with him?

Can a sib. husky live with a lhasa apso?

well, i really want a sib. husky for Christmas i have already asked my parents for one for my birthday they we cant. they said a high chance of me getting one for Chrismas. but we have another small female dog which is a llasa apso. she is very sweet and nice but can be protective of her toys. she will nip at me or someone trying to take them away. i have herd that sib, huskys can get along with smaller dogs if you get one that is a puppy and still learning what is right and what is wrong. oh im on my dads yahoo btw. i have asked for a puppy so if i get the dog it will be a puppy i have also herd that they have a high strike rating. if a sib, husky is a bad dog to put with a lhasa apso. then i might change to a boreder collie. please no rude or mean answers. i just wanted to know. Thanks

Having trouble with Yahoo Mail POP -- not able to receive email?

I'm very frustrated after two days of trying to figure out what's going on...beginning yesterday I could no longer receive email in my desktop mail client. Of course there no way to contact Yahoo, and they voluntarily give any indication that they're addressing the problem. At least Apple and Verizon were willing to work with me to determine it is a Yahoo Mail problem. Does anyone know what is going on and how to fix it????

How to train an adult male Lhasa Apso?

I recently adopted an adult male Lhasa Apso who is 7 years old from the Humane Society. He is very bright (knows how to shake hands, sit etc...) and he is a good dog but he is aggressive and does not like to listen. He also marks his territory in our house as we have two other dogs (one female Lhasa and one male Shih-Tzu). He is not neutered and cannot be neutered as he had kidney problems as a puppy and had to have a liver shunt. How can I train him to not mark in our house and to cut down on his aggressive behavior? He is an excellent watchdog and he loves to play and receive affection.

Who is that one wrestler?

That you use to hate, but now wish they were back wrestling in the WWE. I use to hate Kurt Angle and JBL. But now looking back Kurt Angle was a damn good performer and I wish he was with WWE not TNA. What ever happened to JBL?

I need advice please ?

Before I tell my problem here is a little about me so you'll understand. I'm 14 years old. I just finished my first year in high school. I'm 5 feet and 1 inch. I also am 119 lbs. I always try to be like someone else especially my sister. It seems like everyone likes her better than me. I'm afraid to be myself. I think it's because i'm worried about what people think. I have low self esteem I think i'm too fat. One reason is because everyone in my house is smaller than me. I am the oldest kid in my house. Some of my siblings say i am fat. I feel like a talentless freak. My parents put me in a home schooling program cause they didn't want me to go to a high school. I never wanted to be home schooled. Ever since I've been home schooled I don't see my friends as much and I also gained 20 pounds. I want to the gym but my parents are super strict they barely let me do anything. I used to be good around other people. Now when I go to parties or sleepovers I'm glad to see my friends but I feel weird. I don't really talk because my sister tells me I always say dumb stuff. When I do talk I get sweaty and shakey. Then when I come home I think damn I should've said such and such. I don't even feel comfortable talking to my mom or aunts. The only person I feel comfortable talking to my sister who is 15 months younger than me. But most of the time she doesn't seem to understand me. My sister is very pretty she's also slim and tall she's like 5 inches taller than me. I'm short and fat I want to loose 20 lbs she said if I loose that much weight I will look bad. But i dont have a flat stomach. I would do almost anything for one. I want a therapist but I'm to shy to tell anyone, and I'm afraid that I'm going to look bad. I'm not really close to my mom or dad.

At which age a lhasa apso should start training?

Do you mean basic obedience training? If so, then you can start training as soon as you bring the pup home.

How can I help a dog with anxiety problems stay calm when I'm not home with her?

I'm afraid the Beagle in her, alone, could well be the problem as hounds really don't do well left on their own, for long hours especially. Obviously a wire crate would perhaps be the answer, but no dog should be spending more than 4 hours in a working day crated. Perhaps having somebody come in regularly during the day might help, or getting her into a creche/dog day care centre would be a better alternative as there's also the possibility she will actually hurt herself if crated in a more solid crate. And yes, dehydration is possible.

Dog is acting normal but urinating a bit impatiently. Can it be UTI?

My dog has been drinking more water that usual can this be because of the weather change (it got a lot warmer here) and she doesn't urinate in the apartment but whenever I bring her out of the apartment to take her for a walk she urinates in the hall and the last time shes done that was a few years ago its like she cant hold it in. I take her out 4- 3 times a day so she can do her business. But shes acting normal and is up and about. She is a 11 year old Lhasa Apso. What is wrong with her I am going to take her to a vet but I am not sure if this is just normal due to weather change.

Why Wont My Dog Stop Shaking ?

Dogs can feel stressed in situations of frustration or fear (including during class or learning a new task). This stressed dog is panting, disoriented, avoiding direct looks with a "glassy eye" (this dog is probably suffering from too much heat!). One excellent way to look for stress signs and calming signals is to watch dog training "reality" tv shows, with the sound off. When watching your dog interact with others, the general rule is to let the dogs decide what is and what isn't appropriate.

Is my labrador puppy a girl?

Maybe either. Most dogs squat (even males) when they are younger because they don't have the strength to lift up their leg. Have a proper look and then see. If you are not sure take it to the vets or ask others.

What's the name of that song soulja boy posted on youtube that was very very different from his usual sound?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need to know abt lhasa apso?

okkk i had a lapso opso mix and the little basterd bit my lip, (sitches) and then bit me under my eye (sitches) sooo id sayy there veryy tempermental! i now have a great dane and lovee it too death!


im a grad from collage for being a teacher and my husband is a welder and we have our house paid for we have money in the bank and we are ready to become parents but for some reason every time he cums in me it always comes out even if im laying down elevated or even when my feet are in the air. And not to mention the fact that i havent gotten my damn period since 09' i have gone to the doc and they told me that there is nothing wrong with me. I dont wanna go waste money for no reason when there is an easy explanation on why i havent gotten my period. Without me having my period i cant get preganant so ladies please help me understand why.... If, this is happening to you please let me know, even if your solution was going to the doctor. I just wanna know what you told him and what he perscribed you. Im thinking its one of my hormones that isnt developed right and thats why im not getting them... all my life i have been irregular even as a little girl, how can i get my period back even if its not a normal cycle i just want to ovulate... or another way of letting my egg go.... someone help me please

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why is it that with the new Yahoo program that when I send an email there is no indication it was sent?

My original email just sits there like it was never sent and I have to go into the sent mail site to see if it actually went. This is very confusing and time consuming. My original note used to leave and a note was given that my note was sent.

Can you guys help, please?

Just go to Paul Frank's facebook and like the page. Then go to the "raise the woof" contest album on their wall. And scroll down and find Lily, she's a white lhasa apso with a pair of glasses in her mouth, and like her picture. Thanks so much!

Do i have the characteristics of cancer? Please help!?

Looking on the internet and trying to diagnose yourself is the worst possible thing you can do. Every person who does this comes away worrying that they have Cancer, AIDS, lyme disease, you name it. I once had a week of sleepless nights convinced I had all 3 because apparently I had "symptoms" according to a website I found. I obviously had nothing wrong with me. I can see you are very worried so I suggest you back to the doctor and tell him how worried you are and show him the new lump. You had all your blood work done recently and it was fine, so I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Please go to the doc and put your mind at ease. Leave the diagnosing to the professionals. The internet is not the place to do this. Good luck.

Want to get a pet, but am afraid of it dying.?

It's very unlikely to just die suddenly in your living room. You will see many symptoms, which must be checked by a vet ASAP. However, don't go all paranoid after every little change in a cat's body or way of doing things. Talk to a vet or an experienced cat owner :)

Can you guys find me a good computer that will run WoW on ultra?

I've looked EVVVEERRYYWWHHEERREE!!!!!! For a god damn good PC that is about $600-$700, that can at LEAST run WoW on high but I want Ultra, Can you guys PLEASE find me one ON AMAZON, I need one on Amazon plz, Thanks all. :3

Should I try to make peace with this girl or just move on?

I have been going to a vietnamese restaurant several times for the last few months and the only female waitress (asian girl) has given me every indication that she is attracted to me (and no, I am not some idiot who thanks every woman wants me). A few weeks ago, I went in and saw her again. By the time I went to sit down; I realized that she was preparing a seat for me at the table where she was taking a break. She didn't say anything to me the rest of the time I was there and since then, every time I have gone back, she won't talk to me; she even turns and walks in the opposite direction if she sees me. I don't know what to do, I can't believe she is acting like this over where I chose to sit. I didn't even realize what she wanted, I just went to the first empty table I saw.

My lhasa apso viciously chases his tail, he hates it! what can i do?

I know loads of dogs chase there tail, and it can be quite humorous, but my dog is totally different. I've never seen a dog do it like this before, he literally attempts too attack his tail, too the extent were he actually pulls hair out of it. He hates people touching his tail, or going near his back end, he has bin known too bite if people who go back there, he growls first too warn them off, so they normally get the message too back off.. ( but i always aware people not too go back there & i keep him away from children so no one is in danger) I am very worried though, because even if uu walk past him, and happen too accidentally brush his tail, he goes off on one! it can be very scarey for people who witness it, as he makes a snarling growling noise as if he's going too attack, but then he just goes for his tail (continuing the noise). I have tried everything i can think of, i have too restrain him when he goes for his tail, as i can tell it upsets him, its as though he isn't aware its part of him, and thinks its an other animal. I was thinking that maybe i should ask the groomers too cut all the hair off his tail, in hope that would maybe stop it! But that will have too be the last resort, as my dog groomers will not be too happy in doing this. Im sure yous all know lhasa apso's have a curled tail with quite a bit of hair on it. I am at the end of my tether, i really do no know what too do, and i don't want my dog too be in distress..any suggestions?

Should a person, who has cheated you emotionally, given a chanse once again to improve himself ?

You can tell his wife if it makes you feel better, but she probably already knows he is a slime ball that preys on his students. Most wives do. You won't make him a better person. You need to concentrate on getting over this and finding a man that will cherish you for you!



Is this any indication we should just use capitol punishment instead of trying to rehabilitate?

First, it's capital punishment, not capitol. I don't think someone who calls people "trash" and wants them all killed has much of a soul.

I can not figure out what type of verizon htc phone I have?

2.0 is all I see. This is a work phone. No indication what it is. Key pad is on the face and has no cover over it

Poll did I do the mature thing?

Yes you just awnser as if it's ok there's lots of other fish in the sea, just think one more broken heart is one more step closer to a full heart <3

How are we expected to believe in any form of deity given the condition of the world we live in?

I am a Catholic (sort of) and no matter how much I try to believe that there is some form of God looking out for me and all other believers, I can't wrap my head around it. To me, a truly caring God wouldn't subjugate His children to live in a world like this, where rape, murder, greed, and war are commonplace. To me, He would make his presence known; to tell His children that they are not alone and that He will help them and love them no matter what happens. Contrarily, I've seen no indication that there is any such thing as Divine Intervention or that God involves himself in the affairs of mortals at all. If God wants all of His children to get into Heaven, wouldn't he erase any doubt that he exists by simply coming down from Heaven and making it clear that He does? It just doesn't make sense to me...

Is being bow legged bad?

I'm not really completely bow legged, only slightly and I've never noticed until my mom pointed it out to me. She didn't say it in indication to it being a bad think, but I think it looks a little odd. Is there any bad side affects to being bow legged and is there a reason it is caused. I'm pretty sure I've always had it and I'm not unhealthy or anything.

What is the best flea and tick product for dogs?

I have a lhasa apso who was recently adopted. She keeps scratching herself so I believe she has fleas. She was recently spayed so she cant bathe for ten days. I use to use the flea collar on my other dog but it didn't work. I heard front line was a great product and i want something that will work well for her. what products have you used and thought were great. Any information would be helpful !

Lhasa apso, is 3 months old, he like to nibble and bite me and be aggressive. What should i do calm him down?

I have Lhasa Apso, who is 3 months old and he is aggressive, bites and nibbles. he likes to dead leave, cockroches, and lizards. I would like him to know how could i get him to stop and be more obedient to me. Help me pl.z

So, whats your favorite portal 2 quote?

Mine would have to be when your hearing all the pre-recorded messages from cave, and he's like "the lab boys tell me i should stop talking about the control group and shouldn't make any more pre-recorded messages, which gave me an idea, make more pre-recorded messages! I pay the bills here, i can talk about the control group all damn day!" or something along those lines.

Do you believe in god and if so why when the world is like it is and there is no indication of a higher power?

you need to build confidence in yourself. I am so sorry about what happened when you were younger, but i think that if you gained some courage then you would be able to find someone and a friend , also i would be open about the past as it might help them to understand. Nothing was your fault so you shouldn't feel that way about yourself, and no you are not useless! if you get a woman she will be a woman who understands you and i bet you anything you will make her happy and you wont destroy her life. Hope this helps x. And no i dont believe in god i am a studying wicca though :).

Wisdom Teeth Stopped Hurting Completely?

OK, I have this wisdom teeth (upper right corner) that was hurting like never before it's been going on for a week. So the day before yesterday I placed an appointment for my dentist to get rid of the damn thing, but for some reason it stopped hurting it's like it was never there. To test it out I tried drinking cold water but nothing happens, it stopped hurting completely for 2 days now and my appointment is on this upcoming Thursday. So my question is should I still have it remove? or leave the damn thing alone.

Please help....idk whats wrong with my dog!!?

Unable to make a diagnosis over the Internet, only your vet can tell you what is wrong. It's too bad your vet couldn't do the tests yesterday, I wonder why... I would leave him in his blanket, maybe try to feed him some of his favorite food, and a little water NO milk. You could try a little boiled hamburger or chicken in very small amounts. Don't make him walk unless he wants to. It will be difficult but try to keep him comfortable until it's time to leave to see the vet. Wish you and your baby the best.

Should I put my dog down?

16 is old for a dog. He is getting to the age where he might be suffering. We kept our cat till she died then thought we might have been selfish as she suffered in the end. Talk to your vet.

Leave town and start a new life?

Throughout the past few months, I've realized that the tiny town I live in just isn't gonna cut it. I've recently graduated High School, and most of my best friends are moving elsewhere for college. I'd go but it seems the world just loves to f**k me over in every way it can so I can't pay. (Family won't help, and can't get financial aid) And on top of that, the "friends" I have have always come to me for advice and someone to talk to, and now whenever I try to talk to someone, they ignore me and start talking about their problems again. And as for my family, there's nobody that really gives a damn. So I personally feel that my time in this town is up. There's nothing left for me here. I'm thinking about continuing work till spring, and with the cash I have saved up, get on a bus or train, get far, far away from here and start a new life somewhere else. Just about everyone I'm sure has wanted a fresh start before. Any ideas, suggestions, or general words of wisdom?

Is there a web site, with videos, that teach me how to train a Lhasa Apso puppy?

a href="" rel="nofollow" any dog breed is trained in exactly the same way

A girl mimics my speech and vocabulary (in text)?

Maybe she's growing a little fond of you to. I don't quite think she "likes" you, at least not yet.

What type of braces do I have (picture)?

you have the same as I had. He's speeding up closing the gaps from having your 4 teeth removed. When I next went, he fitted the brackets on my very back teeth but still no wire. Then when I next went, the wire was fitted. It's done in stages because otherwise your mouth would have too many changes to cope with at once and would be unnecessarily painful.

My wife and I have a mutual friend that I adore, and really enjoy being around. Do yo think this is o.k.?

I am married. We have a mutual friend, a woman, who I think about lots. In fact for a few years now. When the phone rings I hope its her. When there is a knock at the door, I hope its her. If a get a text indication, I hope its her. When she eats with us the food tastes better. I laugh more. She makes life so much more better when she is over. I enjoy her being close by so much. Is there anything wrong with this?

How do I teach my small dog to jump up on a bed?

She's a lhasa apso and is very sweet. She has no problem jumping down, but just can't jump up. Her legs aren't too short or anything, my grandma has the same size and breed of dog and hers can jump up fine. I know my dog just has to get a running start, but how do you train a dog to do that? I've tried the flying dog technique and using treats already.

What are some kid friendly anime series?

No nudity or graphic violence or disturbing themes. Mild language (damn, hell) okay. My son is 12 going on 13. He loves Robotech if that helps...

Isn't slavery illegal? AND since i'm so mature does it mean I'm an old soul or something?

I mean if slaverly is illegal than why do some jackassed adults seem to think parents own us? I mean if they own us until we're 18 and we're supposedly not in the state of mind to think for ourselves than isnt that sorta like slavery in its own way? I mean I'm only 12 and I've been abused verbally and physically but I'm also pretty damn popular and smart and I'm way more mature than any of the 14 or 13 year olds in our school. What in the world is THAT supposed to mean? Am I an old soul or am I just too awesome to be dumb? Haha not to sound like a smart *** but I really am wondering what ya'll think about it.


He is a 6 months old Lhasa Apso mix. He sits and looking out the front door and the windows!! Waiting on something to pass.. Like a squirrel or rabbit.. And my poor neighbors cant enjoy themselves on their own property without hearing his mouth!! HELP ME!! HOW DO I STOP THIS?!?!?!

How can I stop my dog from being agressive?

First off, you should never touch your dog, make eye contact, or act nervous in front of him,. Touching and eye contact only reinforces his aggressive behavior and he can feel your nervousness and it makes him nervous. What you need to do is talk to your new neighbor and see if you can talk them into taking his dog for a walk. You need to walk your dog by the beagle and if he acts up, take him the other way. It will take a while, but it should work. I'm not sure what else to do, so I hope that works! Good luck.

How can you tell the remastered Led Zeppelin IV from the original copy of the album?

The original catalog number is SD 7208 so if your album has that catalog number you have the original album.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Will I have to help my shih tzu give birth?

Hi u have just breed my shih tzu for the first time but breed her with a lhasa apso. Will she need help giving birth? And how Many pups should I expect the father has giving 8 pups twice does that mean my shih tzu could have 8 thanks Dawn

Do you think something is wrong with my dog?

usually when dogs are growing up they tend to do that but in a month or so she will be back on track

Why does my hair grow so slow?

Six years ago I cut my hair to chin length. Since then it has only grown six inches. I read that hair grows at an average rate of 1/2 inch a month, At this rate my hair would have grown six inches in a year but it has taken six years to get that length. My hair is naturally curly. I have never colored it and I do not blow dry or straighten it. I take good care of my hair and rarely put it up. I am wondering if this is an indication of a disease. (I also read that nail ridges could be an indication. I have horizontal ridges on my nails.)

How can i not be lame ? Please I hate myself I need to change help meHow can i not be lame ? Please I hate mys?

Okay so i just turned 14. And my life has been getting better. But ive always been lame. People have hated me since the 4th grade and im going to 8th. They always call me lame. I like anime and manga, Wrestling, and rock music. Everyone here calls the music i like white people music (esappaly the screamo) plus im black so its weird. I have people tell me all the time im lame (yesterday for example) people call me every damn name in the book. Punk, nerd (im really smart, but suck at math so people get angry at me), geek, stupid, stanky, musty, horny everything. Girls try to kick me in the balls and some do it and it feels like they've crushed them (there okay) i wanna be Scene but my mom wont let me even look like it. But i still wanna act like it. Everyone (incudeing my family) says i dont pay attation and im to hyper. I dont have ADD or ADHD. Help me change I hate myself just help me please !!!! I hate who i am just help me please :(Okay so i just turned 14. And my life has been getting better. But ive always been lame. People have hated me since the 4th grade and im going to 8th. They always call me lame. I like anime and manga, Wrestling, and rock music. Everyone here calls the music i like white people music (esappaly the screamo) plus im black so its weird. I have people tell me all the time im lame (yesterday for example) people call me every damn name in the book. Punk, nerd (im really smart, but suck at math so people get angry at me), geek, stupid, stanky, musty, horny everything. Girls try to kick me in the balls and some do it and it feels like they've crushed them (there okay) i wanna be Scene but my mom wont let me even look like it. But i still wanna act like it. Everyone (incudeing my family) says i dont pay attation and im to hyper. I dont have ADD or ADHD. Help me change I hate myself just help me please !!!! I hate who i am just help me please :(

How do I get my dog's eye gunk out of his fur?

The groomer can get it out for sure, but try soaking a cloth in WARM water and placing the cloth on the eye gunk to soften it. Let it soak, and gently wipe it off away from the eye. You will have to repeat the process several time to get it all off.

How many litters of puppies should an Akita be allowed to have in a lifetime?

Sounds like you know a bunch of backyard breeders- no showing, no OFA certifications, breeds too often (5 litters in a bit** that is 6?? disgusting), etc... A bit** should not be bred until she is two years of age and has all of her OFA certifications. Then decent breeders allow three litters (some will do the last two back to back as reproductive specialists are now saying it's more beneficial health wise IF the bit** recovers well from previous litters) but they spay after the third litter.

New Goldfish? Help?!?

So a few days ago, i won a goldfish at a fair and i had it in a bowl (TEMPORARILY) and now i put him in a one gallon tank, with under gravel filtration and an air pump and air stone. I would say he has a pretty damn good set up. Im just wondering if everything is good, if he grows i will eventually upgrade him of course. Also, Im currently feeding him baby shrimp is that okay? Or more variety?

How to keep kids off of our retaining wall?

How high is the retaining wall? Is it a privacy wall or is it there to level the back yard? The reason I ask is because everywhere I've lived there has been a fence spec with a minimum height requirement around swimming pools. So you may be out of compliance there. You are setting yourself up for a lawsuit if one of the kids falls off the wall and gets hurt or if they get into the pool and get hurt. In the meantime the best thing to do is call the police and let them handle it. You might also take some pictures to help the police when they contact the parents.

This girl is very standoffish with me...but at the same time stares and wants to hang out...?

ok honestly, I do that all the time, I always try to make a good impress on the outside while on the inside things are different.

Are Obama and Bush's golfing obsessions an indication of how little control they have over the Corporatocracy?

Funny that Kennedy used Ike's love of the game against him. Ike played no more than 80 games in the 4 years he was in office. Kennedy too loved the game but was generally careful not to play when the press was near by. Obama it seems, loves vacations. Funny too that it was Ike (a Republican) who warned against the military, industrial complex and that it was Kennedy (Democrat) who threw out some of Ike's best policies to avoid war and the build up of that industrial complex. Wonder who was far better for the country and who was far more productive? In both cases, it was Ike and the Republicans.

Ladies, does this sound like the perfect guy to be with?

So this guy is young, in college at least, he is an excellent sense of humor and will make you laugh your pants out, he is a football player and enjoys lifting and body building, although he does not have a six pack, but he is pretty damn big and muscular. In his free time he enjoys going out and having a blast, and being with his family ( family person as well). He loves to cook and is very good at it, and he would most certainly cook for you anytime. He also is very much so into cars and motorcycles, and owns a muscle car like a corvette. His occupation is working as a chef in a restaurant. So ladies, tell me, does this sound like a good guy??

I'm giving up on my life?

I'm 16, I've been in hospital since February. I've been diagnosed with serious depression, and major anxiety. Pretty much my mind tells me EVERYONE hates me, or talks behind my back, even my friends, people i don't know, everyone. It's horrible. To feel like people hate you. I think people hate me because i'm not manly enough or I'm not perfect in their eyes. I'm constantly focusing on my appearance and body image (I'm a guy). And I have to check the mirror EVERY 10 MINUTES and it makes me feel ****. I can't change the way my mind thinks. It's been a massive build up of depression and anxiety for about 4 years and I only told people in February. But it's been going on to long, nothing is working, no medication is working either, nothing. I go on Y!A and talk about this, and I get people saying "toughen up loser, you have a good life, your lucky" and "you should commit suicide, jesus would hate you because you give up so easily" I'm christian btw. Why, even when I ask for help, I get dIck heads saying that to me? why? So what do I do now? it's horrible, feeling like this. Thinking my friends hate me , thinking the public and family hates me. It's ****. Bad. They said I get at least 1,000 thoughts in an hour, 90% of them on negative things. So what do I do? I'm thinking suicide is the best option. If anyone is going to say I should toughen up or say some damn rude thing like you're weak or an idiot, say it. I will commit suicide. Just say it, one person and I will do it. I'm serious.

What can i do about my neighbor's dogs?

There's 4 of them, 2 golden retreivers and 2 lapso apso. They're always barking and constantly get loose. Me and 2 of my other neighbors have tried to talk to them about their dags before but they do nothing. When one of their dogs get loose they don't go after them until someone yells at them to get their dog. The dogs aren't nice and have killed a stray kitten and knocked a little boy off his bike before. The owners are very rude and won't do anything. Their yard is also extremely messy. We have tried calling the dog warden and police but they do nothing. Is there anything else I can do to get them to control their dogs?

Shiba Inu or Samoyed?

Keep researching. Neither breed is going to work for people with allergies. And if you like a dog that likes to cuddle, a shiba certainly isn't what you want. You need to do a better job of researching breeds.

Can a lhasa apso be full blooded and have a blue speck in the brown eye. Are they done growing at 6 months?

I have a Lhasa mix pup and she was about done growing at 1 year. She has brown eyes with no blue... She weighs about 15 pounds and is mixed with a doxen so that would nt really affect her weight. Just let your puppy grow; mine is not a purebred but I still love her!

Dating dilemma!! Someone please help!?

So, I started taking to this guy I met online a few days ago. He is extremely attractive and I am 8 years older than him. When we started taking we both said we have no expectations, just 2 people getting to know one another. He has made sexual comments and I told him although I find him attractive like that, I still wasnt the type of woman to act on those feelings too soon. His response was "i understand and respect that, but I am a man and I'm still gonna try". Fast forward to 4 days, my truck broke and when we spoke I mentioned it and now he will be first thing in the morning to get it working. This is the first time we meet and I am not sure how to act, is this a ploy to score or perhaps he likes me and he's doing what guys do when they like a girl...u know, come to our rescue. I was starting to think he was only into me for sex, is this an indication that he is interested in getting to know me for more than just sex?

My SD Card isn't working! Please I need help!?

So I need to upload pictures onto my computer ASAP and whenever I put my SD card into the slot, which I have done DOZENS of times, NOTHING happens! The little green light pops up like it usually does but the window that is supposed to show up never does and there is no indication in 'My Computers' or any other part of the computer except for the little green light!

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

How do I handle small children in my home?

Your friends probably don't view their behavior as bad, because they are used to it, but it is terrible manners to let your child run wild. If they don't set boundaries then you should. There is nothing offensive about you telling a 4 year old he has to wear the wrist band so he doesn't drop the controller. If they are eating candy, there is nothing wrong with asking the mom, "Can we put him at the table while he finishes that?" In regards to the puppy, tell them "If you can't pet puppy gently, then you can't pet him at all". If the mom says you "don't get it", I would just say, it makes it easier to enjoy spending time together when they follow house rules. You are an adult. Its your house. I had a similar stressful situation with my In Laws and niece. They are no longer allowed to come over because they refused to respect our rules. We didn't tell them they weren't allowed, we just stopped inviting them. If they asked to come, we told them it wasn't a good time.

All you teenage love gurus: ADVICE?

alright so this girl i like i call her booboo and she calls me babes, tigger and all that cute stuff but i cant tell if shes saying it cus she likes me too or if thats her speech, another thing, she asked me "what would you do if i kissed you? hypothetically speaking?" and i said "i would kiss you back y waste the moment" and i asked her the same question and she said "i would kiss you back lol" all of this is an indication of what? what should my next move be? ive met complicated girls who just say this stuff for convo purposes and i tried taking it a step further and it got wierd so what should i do?

Which is bigger a lhasa apso or a **** tsu?

It varies depending on the muscle mass and whatnot of the dog, but Lhasa Apsos are generally a little bit bigger than Shih Tzus.

I had ovualtion ultrasound and doc saw some fluid and i probably would have ovulated already?

one of the follicles measured 21mm during ultrasound. we had sex the night before, same night and after as well. and he also did post coital - took some mucus from inside me and showed me under microscope that lots of live sperm are moving. i usually have 29 day cycle. cycle started on may 31st, ultrasound showed ovulation indication on june 13th morning. wat do u ladies think are my chances of getting preg this month..have been ttc since 11 months !!

How do they tell if you're drink driving in America?

They have to follow due process or take several steps to make sure that they prove that they had a reason to make an arrest. People in america get all upset if they feel like they wernt given a fair chance. They see some one driving weird, they pull them over, ask if the driver has been drinking, if they say yes, they get arrested,if the driver says no but the cop is still suspicious, they give the sobriety test. If they completely bomb the test they are arrested but, people who have been caught before may have learned to pass the minimum mark of the test or if they are just a little bit over the limit they could still walk straight, so if the cop is still suspicious, then they do the breathalyzer. It seems faster to just jump to the breathalyzer but some people are ignorant enough to think that the u.s. Constition some how protects them from the fastest way to catch them doing a crime. It just makes a mess. Some cities fight drunk driving more aggressively than others so not all hope is lost.

I'm getting fat but I like it?

I've always been slim but it's fair to say over the last few months I've gotten a bit big. Over winter I adopted some unhealthy eating habits that have carried on throughout the year adding about 30lbs to my weight making me around 185lbs. The only negative is my rapidly expanding waistline and the fact I spend a lot of my allowance on snacks and food. I never used to care for food much but now it all seems so tasty! I can happily eat through loads of biscuits and cakes, I now eat 3 chocolate cream filled eclairs everyday without fail, I know I shouldn't but they taste so damn nice. The only person who makes critical remarks is my mum as she says she doesn't want a fat son and she's tired of buying me bigger and bigger clothes. Like she keeps grabbing my new fat and telling me to get rid. I don't really care about my weight so is this a problem?

Would you dump your girlfriend if she did this?

Just forget her. Don't contact her anymore. Don't even bother picking her up upon her arrival at the airport. In fact, make yourself totally unavailable. She is trying to dump you, so just ignore her.

Is your college experiences a good indication of how your life will be?

Because if it is, I'm not too optimistic about the future. My college experience has been blah. I've had great semesters academically speaking, and crappy semesters academically speaking. I'm not depressed about it anymore. I just keep going, but yeah it hasn't been perfect. I know it seems like a really stupid question, but am I going to be like this after college to? I feel like I never have it together. Idk if that's my own insecurity or if that's how it really is. Does it get better?

Question on dark/blackish carbon in tail pipe tips?

I've got an older ('86) chevy with a 350 v8, about 135k miles - it starts & runs great, no smoke ever visible at start-up, or while running on road. But... I do notice a significant amount of that blackish colored soot or carbon dust build-up in the end of the tailpipes (its got the small extensions on the tips in the rear, thats where I noticed the carbon/soot building up). I think I remembering hearing once that this is an indication of something, but I can't remember - maybe the engine running too rich, too lean, needing some kind of adjustment or part replaced, or maybe just a normal factor of having 130k miles on the engine & its nothing to worry about - can any mechanics or knowledgable motor folks out there tell me what it is an indication of? Thanks alot.

What would you do in this situation...Funny Poll?

I choose A, I want the millions and millions. I would get the best lawyers in town and think of the best way to suck money all from them..then find a way where they have to make payments to me for 15 years.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Dell Latitude D630 not switching on ?

When power on/off button pressed ,just green light indication of power,cap lock,numerical lock will glow few seconds then automatically shuts off, It wont enter the booting of systm at all i.e.display wont on at all??

Is it safe to let my 10 month old puppy sleep with me in my bed?

My lhasa apso puppy is now 10 months old, and I want to bring her to my bed during the night. He has not peed during the night for many many months, and would he pee in my bed? We went camping four months ago and he didn't pee at all. Is it safe to do so?

Does anyone think African Americans need to come out of hiding in the shadows?

As a young Caucasian woman.. Who is not necessarily racist at all..well I believe black people have so many opportunities now and most still do not do a damn get off welfare chase your dreams go to school get a job...TRY harder. I feel like they still dont get it. They have excuses and I don't feel sorry for them anymore! I'm tired of trying to help people that do not appreciate it! It's time to move on and up people.. Y do they choose not to. Now I'm not speaking on behalf of every single black individual some are very good people but lots are getting caught up in the streets over stupid ish... When will they learn does anyone feel like I do? Explain please!!!

Can you believe that Pakistan has arrested 5 Informants who helped the CIA to find Osama Bin Laden?

Is this act a clear indication that the Government of Pakistan is not on our side in the War Against Terrorism?

What order should i read the Star Wars books?

Ive seen all the movies and heard the books are really good...but there are just so damn many of them, my school library has like 15. I wanna know what order they are meant to be read in if anyone can tell me please???

Is it normal if my dog's tail never curls?

My dog's a lhasa apso and I'm pretty sure that they have a curly tail. Here's the problem: I've never seen my dog's tail curl. I've had her for three years and she's about seven years old.

Would an IQ test give me the most accurate indication of my intelligence?

I am questioning my intelligence at the moment as I have made mistakes both recently and in the past, which would indicate that I am stupid. I do well academically but that doesn't mean I'm not stupid, that could just mean that I've studied harder than other people and it does seem likely. Will an IQ test measure my raw intelligence, or lack of? I have done the online IQ tests before and my scores ranged from 95 to 110. Mainly they were 100 or a few marks below. Thanks!

Blood diseases + symptoms confusion?

Basically, my story it pretty confusing, but I'll try to be as succinct as I can. In January, I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia by my (then) family practitioner. I'd been having all the normal or typical symptoms (headaches, fainting, shakiness, pallor, coldness, and the like), and I took an 8-hour glucose test and my doctor confirmed with my mum and me that I was, in fact, hypoglycemic. He also noticed that my I had a low RBC count and that my red blood cells were small. About three months later, he referred us to a hematologist and the hematologist diagnosed me with Beta thalassemia minor. He also said that from the records of my blood tests and all that jazz that there was no indication I was hypoglycemic. We've then switched our family general practitioner, and she also has said that I am "not necessarily hypoglycemic". And by both our current doctor and the hematologist we've been told that thalassemias usually do not have any symptoms. I'm greatly confused about all of these circumstances, and why I'm having symptoms of a condition that apparently don't have with a condition that reportedly has no symptoms. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I need some opinions on letting dogs live indoors vs. out in the backyard?

My mother has but one stipulation: I am only allowed to adopt two strays that my friend's mother found if they are not allowed in the house. They're both small dogs, one 2 1/2 years old (Lhasa Apso) and one 7 weeks old (Lhasa Apso mix). Should I accept my mother's conditions?

Why can't I get wet? Is it a hormone imbalance?

I've had the same problem in so many words, my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 11 months now and in the beginning I'd get super wet but a few months back I couldn't get wet, I would get wet just a little then it would just dry up, (sounds gross) but it was because we were having sex very often, try a little lube, something new, that's what we did and I became "normal" again(: hope I helped.

Should I break up with my fiance?

We are not formally engaged but have been together for four years, lived and studied together, met each others parents and plan to get married one day. We have a very happy relationship. We never fight, we have the same interests and similar points of view, we are both sweet and caring and we are each others best friend.. The only problem is that our relationship lacks sexual passion. I mean, we do have sex, but something is missing there. He doesn't seem too crazy about it, like I thought people in love should be. I don't know whether its his personality, or is he not that attracted to me physically. It started with a health problem I had in the first year of our relationship, that made it hard for me to have sex. I'm ok now, but he always blames my illness whenever I complain about our lack of passion. I don't think its just this, it would have changed by now. Our love is more caring, sharing and being there for each other, rather than sexual attraction, especially for him. I was always crazily attracted to him, but most of the time I was too embarassed to express it when he didn't seem to feel the same way. Whenever I start passionate kissing/sex, he loves it, but I have to start it. Recently I've met a guy at work who I'm very attracted to, and he seems to be feeling the same. I haven't cheated but i'm falling for him. It's not just because I'm tempted to date the new guy. I think that having a crush on someone else is an indication that something is missing from my relationship. I wonder whether I should break up an almost perfect relationship... I know I will never meet a guy like my partner again. But can I live forever without a fullfilling sexual life? What do you think?

Dog breeders or puppy stores?

Where is the best place to buy a puppy lhasa apso? From a dog breeder or fron the srore? Also ehat are somethings i should ask about the dog such asvaccines and etc?

Is he trying to make me smile or telling the truth?

Soo my guy hes always tellin me nd calling me sweet thingss...... But im not sure about these two.. 1 was " Damn Girl Your lips make me crazy" nd the 2 was " everytime we kiss I feel like im in heaven" :D! .... What is that supposed to mean.... P.s. I have kissed him... Like not a peck but a real kiss..

Can dogs contract pubic lice "Crabs" from a human or from laying on bedding that a person who has crabs used?

I have 2 dogs, the oldest (1y 6m) is half shih tzu half lhasa apso and the youngest (4m) is a mini pinscher. My roommate had company a few weeks ago stay here while the roommate was out of town, this person was only here about 3 days, but a week later when I went to change the roommates bedding I noticed there were pubic lice "Crabs" on the sheets.. I am worried now because my dogs may have entered the roommates room and they like to lay on the bed.. Can they catch and possibly spread this pubic lice to each other or possibly to myself or one of the two roommates? The dogs are given flee and tick medicine monthly that i put on them myself, it is the liquid kind that you place at their neck and down their backs a little ways.. I can not find any information on the package where it states it helps prevent anything other than flees or ticks. Any information would be greatly appreciated..

My wife is acting childish?

Our son is going out on a date this Friday and my wife wants me to let him borrow my 2009 Mercedes-Benz CL550 4MATIC. I bought that car for $130,000 and it goes from 0-60 in 4.8 seconds, I'm not going to let him borrow it. I've seen him drive. He was texting while driving right in front of me. I worked hard for that car and I'm not going to let something happen to it intentionally. Hot girl, hot car on Friday night...what do you think will win? The car will be destroyed and a baby might be on the way. He can take her wagon...yeah wagons are lame but at least it's a Benz. When I was his age I had to take my girlfriend out in a piece of crap Chevrolet wagon. My dad has a Benz but he didn't let me borrow it. I don't give a damn if he is embarrassed, when the car is destroyed I am the one who has to pay the price. The insurance will cover it but the rate will go up like crazy. Plus if he crashes the car (there is a 99% chance he will), I will be mad and do everything I can to make his high school years a living hell. We can all just avoid that by not letting him take my car. What to do? Someone please help me. My wife is mad at me because I won't let him borrow my car.

Kesha's future in music?

Ok I know 99% of the world doesn't like her because she's trashy, dirty, skany, untalented ... Whatever! For one second though let's be serious do you HONESTLY think she will become a music icon?She has broken records, her songs are on ALL THE DAMN TIME, she has hit after hit ( not lately cuz she is on tour), she has had more hits than lady gaga, her image is always something to talk about ( negative or positive), she is successful by doing all her own stuff. Look at brittney spears... She lip syncs, doesn't write her own stuff, she uses auto tune and she's a pop icon. Whats your opinion besides " she's a untalented slut so no"

Why are women always trying to trap us?

You don't think you should have to pay child support? Then you are either not old enough, or not mature enough, to have a relationship with a girl.....

I don't understand which graphics card is which?

Ok so i planned on getting a GeForce 9800 GTX with a PSU of Corsair VX450W Power supply - 450 Watt.... However when i looked up the Geforce graphics card way to many options appeared, Ones with random letters before the title or some had a plus at the end, and some said 512mb while others said 1g. Now i dont really know much about all these indications so if someone could just help me figure this out before i make a bad purchase i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Why is my speaker wire melting on the subwoofer's negative terminal?

Well, apparently you didn't do "a pretty good job installing it", did you! The fuse should have been 30-40 amps, not 80 amp, and the fact it's melted proves what I was going to say next which is that 4 gauge wire isn't adequate for what you're doing. Stick 2 gauge wire and a 40 amp fuse, and then go find a manual online for your amp, because a mono amp will not have two sets of connectors.

Tips to train my 3 month lhasa apso puppy?

It pees and poo all over my house. We take her out to the garden but she just plays outside, and as soon as we come back to the house she either pees in the newspaper or around the house. She even Pees and poo after midnight.....please help. Is it ok to train them in the newspaper, use the pads ! What should i do

Does she want me too??keep getting mixed signals?

In the begining she came on very strong i knew she was flirting. after a few months i wrote her a letter and told her i was atrracted to her. she said she was flattered and wasnt looking for a relationship. i waited for an indication that she wanted it to go further i suggested outings shpn swimming she will always say yes then cancle.i gave up and stoped talking to her for 8months which she did everything in her power to get me to talk to her finally i did and were right back where we started she flirts and compliments and tells people how pretty i am and gives me gifts and does anything for me except she will not spend time with me.i'm so confused and fustrated can someone shed ome light on this please???

I need advice on dating and making friends in college. I have tried everything that I believe I am capable of?

So I am going to be a college junior. I am 21 and I don’t have any friends and never really have had friends just people I talk to occasionally at school. I have never had a boyfriend or any indication that a guy has liked me. I am a very nice person. In high school I tried to be outgoing, joined clubs, cheer, sports whatever nothing still not a lot of friends and no guys. I was really a goody-two shoes but I still wasn’t like a total geek or nerd. I lived in the dorms my freshman year in college and talked to the girls in my hall, went to a few functions, night parties held by the dorms and still made no friends. I tried to talk to people in class to make friends; no one is interested in any kind of friendship with me outside of school. I honestly don’t understand why. I don’t have a lot of money but I try to buy nice makeup and nice clothes. I go to the gym; though I am not thin I try to stay in shape. I get my nails done on occasion; keep my eyebrows waxed and my hair done. I’m a good person, in my opinion and I just don’t see why I haven’t been able to form any friendships or intimate relationships. People that take less care of themselves seem to have tons of friends and more relationships than I would ever want. I just don’t get it. Can anyone tell me anything that I am doing wrong? I mean it’s not like I am wearing tons of make-up, don’t take care of myself, or am rude to people. I do admit I am kind of a shy person and don’t start a lot of conversation but I don’t think I come across as intimidating either. Again I don’t know, if you have any suggestion please, please help me out. And thank you in advance for any constructive criticism or feedback that you may have!

Would a puppy bark less at night sleeping in a puppy play pen instead of a crate?

We just got a new Lhasa Apso puppy and he won't stop barking in his crate. We only put him in there at night and I know you're supposed to ignore him when he barks (that's what I've been told correct me if I'm wrong) and eventually he'll get used to it but the problem with that is we live in a three-family home so we have to keep him quiet or we'll have to get rid of him. I was considering getting a puppy play pen because I figure I can put his bed in there and he'd have more room to move around and it might help him be quieter. I know crate training is easier to potty train but the barking is kinda a bigger issue. So would the pen be better to keep him quieter at night? Or does it not matter? I know different things work for different dogs but I'd like to know how much of at least a chance I'd have with the pen before I waste the money on it.

Why do people stare at what i'm wearing?

When i go out women/girl mostly won't look at my face they basically check out what i'm wearing. Why? I don't wear revealing clothes, yes I know I dress nice and they probably think my outfit is cute but damn they make me feel insecure like I ain't attractive; by starring at what i'm wearing.

Should I try to make peace with this girl or just move on?

I have been going to a vietnamese restaurant several times for the last few months and the only female waitress (asian girl) has given me every indication that she is attracted to me (and no, I am not some idiot who thanks every woman wants me). A few weeks ago, I went in and saw her again. By the time I went to sit down; I realized that she was preparing a seat for me at the table where she was taking a break. She didn't say anything to me the rest of the time I was there and since then, every time I have gone back, she won't talk to me; she even turns and walks in the opposite direction if she sees me. I don't know what to do, I can't believe she is acting like this over where I chose to sit. I didn't even realize what she wanted, I just went to the first empty table I saw.

21nova roulette betting amount question?

So basically I am considering signing up to 21nova to play roulette and blackjack a little for fun (damn cruising - it got me hooked! lol) but I was just wondering what the minimum and maximum bet for both roulette and blackjack are, so i can decide if it's worth it or if i have no chance of even winning back a few pounds. I'll be using the UK site, so preferably in pounds please.

Is my dog a real lhas apso?

Looks like a mix to me - legs are too long. If you got the dog from a reputable breeder, its a purebred. If you got it from a backyard breeder, pet store, online puppy mill and its registered in Continental KC, or APRI its probably a very poor quality purebred or its a mix.

Lhasa apso or toy pom?

There is no such thing as a "toy" Pomeranian. There are puppy mill terms like "toy" and "teacup" and "micro" and everything else which means that they are runts bred down from sickly dogs, don't follow the AKC standard, and should not be bred. It really depends on what you are looking for in a dog. Pomeranians tend to be a little on the yappy side. Both have a lot of hair to keep up with, but the Lhasa is pretty easy if kept in a "puppy clip" with short hair. It's your decision. Find a good breeder...not pet stores, backyard breeders who let their pets breed, or pet stores!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have a rescue dog that we are not sure of the breed.?

Some people say he is a shih tzu and some say hes a Lhasa Apso but he doesn't curl his tail up.We just thought it was because he had a slip disc and couldn't hold his tail up.Does both of those breeds always curl their tail.

My Friend is addicted to World of Warcraft What do I Do?

Hi, my 14 year old friend has recently taken up playing WoW (World of Warcraft) an online role playing game. I know about this game as i have had bad personal experiences with it before. I lost my old best friend to this game and I have seen it split apart families. I accepted the fact that he played it but made him swear on his life that he would not get addicted. Well today i asked him if he would like to hang out after school and guess what he said? "Nah" so i asked Aww why not? Presuming that he had work and he said "umm i wanna play WoW." This shattered me. Again this god damn game is ruining my social life and i need any advice I can get. No stupid answers like get new friends please because i'm not like that and we are both a part of a group that i am not leaving as i have other good friends in it. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks.

Major dog trouble. help please?

Please, do a search in Yahoo Answers - See 'Discover' box at top right of page. Or go to Pet or self help dog or healthy happy or blogs. A crate would be very good if you can get one, but please do not leave her in it while it is dirty anymore than is absolutely necessary. This will only result in causing her to be depressed. Would you like to sleep in an area that has pee/poop? Dogs Do Not Like To Sleep where there is poop/pee. I had to put one of my pups in the bathroom with lots of newspapers down while I was away from home until he was house broke because I did not have a fenced yard. My other dog was taken out about every hour or two and a few hours after he had eaten until he was house broke. Such a young pup and small dog as a Lhasa Apso should not be expected to not go potty for very long. Dogs will return to the same spots that have been soiled if the smell has not been totally removed. The clean up should be done as soon as possible, and it does not take expensive or special cleaners to rid rugs/carpets of the smell. After getting up as much wet up as possible with cloth/sponge/paper towels then use liquid dish soap or Murphy's Oil soap in water-per directions- blotting the spot and rinsing until water is clear. Then treat the spot with a half and half mix of water and vinegar. As to the chewing problem: pups are like babies in that they will chew to relieve pain and discomfort while new teeth are growing in. You can help ease this with the right size raw hide chews or right toys. There is a spray called No Chew or similar that might work. I have used Vinegar on some things to stop chewing, and also a mix of very hot pepper sauce and citrus peels (soaked in hot water then strained) to make a spray. The hot sauce mix will stain some materials. Please, please, do not ever throw your dog outside or strike it when it does not obey. To help her learn her name you need to use her name very often when playing. Have someone help you work on having her come to you using her name with "Here 'her name' " or "Come - - -", and give her a very small piece of treat when she does come to you. I used a squeaky toy to get my pup's attention and he now comes when he hears the squeaker that came out of one he chewed up. Hope you are able to enjoy your canine companion. If it ends up that this pup does not fit into your family then would you please return it to the Humane Society?

Could i possibly be pregnant?

I'm on birth control and I don't get my period At all so that really doesn't help me with any indication of pregnancy. me and my boyfriend don't use condoms my appetite has increased immensely lately and I've been having heat flash is the past few days are heat flashes be a symptom of pregnancy? also I haven't had any morning sickness but my ankles are swollen and my urine has been a tad bit cloudy the past couple times I peed. also I have a little bump in my stomach and my stomach use to be flatbut when I suck it in it doesn't really go away shrinks a little bit but it doesn't disappear completely. I check my weight and I haven't really gained weight so what could that be a possibility that I'm pregnant ?I don't really wanna waste money on a test unless it's definitely a possibility that I'm pregnant I don't really have time to go to the doctor but if the test comes out positive I will definitely make time to go to the doctor . so could I be pregnant?

My dog is acting really odd?

I recently came back from a holiday, and returned to my dog acting really strange. She is a 7 year old lhasa apso and lives with 2 adults 2 children and another dog, a German Shepherd. She stayed with a family friend for one week, and a relative for a second week. During the second week she started being sick. We are now home and she is running about following people about, lying in the shower, running under desks and jumping on beanbags and circling about 20 times before running away... she is not staying still. does anybody recognize this behaviour?

Sooo...matches arent allowed in checked baggage?

I just realized that I have matches in my checked luggage. I have this little owl carrying case thing that I packed and the matches have been in there for months and it just hit me that I never took them out! I've been trying to find out what happens if you bring something that's not permitted iin checked luggage. I don't want to lose my DKNY shoes! I'm sure no one will catch that reference...okay in all seriousness why are matches not permitted? What if my luggage somehow catches on fire :O supposedly that's happened. My flight leaves at 10:51. Is this really a big deal? Should I go hunt down the baggage handlers? I don't even know if they're strike anywhere matches or safety ugh I don't even smoke, I just thought the match pack thing was cute so I stuffed in my damn owl bag!! Also, theyre like the mini pack of matches that you get from a restuarant. Help.

Am I overreacting...?

Okay so theres this guy that I was never really friends with, we both kinda had beef actually. Recently we put that in the past and got closer than we ever were before. We actually kinda got feelings for each other but he ending up having to move for the summer. Anyway, he came back to visit and me and him hung out and things were really good. Me him and my friend were talking about dropping him off together tomorrow, but he went and told my friend "it should just be me and you because we're gonna be hanging out down there and I cant bring more than one person" Idk if he was just saying that to be nice or if he didnt want me to go... so now I'm kinda hurt and just like damn, wouldnt he want me to go? I'd want him to go... am I overreacting or do you think he really just couldnt bring more than one person...=/

When can I use flee shampoo on my dog if she had her puppies 1 month ago?

My Lhasa apso had her puppies about a month and 19 days ago. The puppies already have started eating puppy food but they still drink milk from her occasionally. Also, when can I take them a shower?

My temperature is normally 97.1, but now it's 98.7, is that a low grade fever?

I am not feeling very well and I keep breaking out in a cold sweat. My stomach is cramping. Could that slight elevation in temperature be an indication of a fever?

How to stop my lhasa apso from harassing my chihuahua?

I have a Lhasa apso to and the tend to like being the boss of the house. My dog name is spike and he loves being the boss and a spoiled brat. i recently just got a cat on sunday and my dog hates it because he is not getting the attention he is used to get.Sometimes this will happen because Lhasa apso love to be the only pet so it can have attention so you should play with the Lhasa apso then when you done put it in a cage then play with your chihuahua. When your done put your Lhasa apso which is in a cage in a room. Then put your chihuahua without a cage in the same room let your Lhasa apso know that the chihuahua is a part of the family and you can't hurt it. Constantly do this until you think the Lhasa apso learned it lesson.

Atheists: Why are Christians so nice?

I know what you're going to say. "They can be some of the most hateful people ever!", I realize that. Just like you have axe murderer Atheist, you have the Atheist that donates thousands to charity. But it seems like, especially the youth, are SO damn nice. I went to a youth thing at a church I go to, and they are insanely nice to me, much more than non-Christian teens. And I don't understand there ecstatic kindness and optimism. Sure, they've been sold lies, potentially dangerous and immoral lies. But I felt at home with them; is that their deluded means of luring you in, or is there something there?

How t start a conversation with a girl please answer ?

IM really in need of a girlfriend I am out of school and everyone at my work is really old like 40 50s IM 18 almost 19 and am feeling lonely I haven had a girlfriend in about 7 months and I want to find one but don't know how to start a conversation with a random girl like lets say I was at gas station Like 7 -11 what do I say to start a conversation Like last week I was at home depot looking for a paint to put on a bike IM restoring and saw this girl but I didint know what to say to her and she was right next to me also if you don't catch them looking at you is that an indication there not intrested in you

Still get security clearance after accepted NSA conditional job offer gets rescinded ?

A friend of mine accepted a conditional job offer from NSA. She submitted her security paperwork 2 months ago, took and seemingly passed her polygraph last week, and then just got a rejection letter with no indication as to why. My question is... if she didn't get rejected for the inability to obtain a clearance, will she still get cleared? Thanks.

Hyper new dog, idiotic mother, dog training shows? Please read.?

Well when the dog starts to get hyper get chain and throw it on the ground near the dogs hind legs. This distracts the dog and gets it to pay attention to the chain and then forgets about being hyper. Reward her when she doesn't start acting hyper again. Hope this helps

What body shape am i? pic?

Putting it nicely, you have "love handles", & need to lose like 10-12 lbs. After you do that, then you could be considered "pear-shaped". Definitely not an "hourglass" though because your boobs aren't big enough.

Argh! Tell me what to do ):?

go talk to your parents, or your principle. or take your parents with you to the principle. either way, find someone that this woman will listen to. don't apologize. you don't have any reason to. unless it's a matter of life and death, don't apologize.

Why am I getting flooded with calls from recruiters?

Back in the beginning of 2007 I was in the market for a new job. I worked with a lot of recruiters and was able to find a new job fairly quickly. I continued to receive calls from recruiters until about 2008 when the job market really went into the tank (luckily my current job has sustained since 2007). About 2008 calls from recruiters just stopped and I have not received any calls since then. I'm assuming this is due to the conditions of the job market. However, this year I am all of the sudden being flooded by calls from recruiters to see if I am looking for work. Started maybe 4 months ago. Could this be an indication that the job market is picking up? Are others getting calls as well?

What is the life expectancy of a Lhasa Apso?

Dogs 101 seems a bit off. I was always told by vets and others that Large Dogs 7-10. Medium 10-12 and Small 12-14. Though some small dogs live to be 15+ and you sometimes do see a German Sheppard that is 12 but those are the averages. House cats can live longer...

Breeding for first time advice needed please?

Hi there i have a 3 yr old lhasa apso i plan on breeding her for the fist time before i get her done...she has started bleeding in the last few days when would be best to take her to the stud iv read its 12 days after the start of bleeding is this true? any help would be great many thanks.

MARRIED PEOPLE: Before being married, did you still experience highs and lows?

When my husband and I were dating we'd get into some crazy arguments. Sometimes we'd threaten to break up, but we'd usually come to our senses. He can be a difficult person sometimes and I can be a difficult person. It's hard making those two things mesh into a happy relationship. We knew we wanted to be together, so we made it work. We rarely ever get into arguments now. I've accepted the things about him that used to bug me and he knows not to take it personal if I get in a cranky mood. So fighting a lot in the beginning is not necessarily a sign that your relationship won't work out. It's just figuring out each other and learning how to live with one another, imo. I would stop with the breaking up though, unless you really mean it. If you're both angry, walk away, chill out, and really think it over. Try not to say something you'll regret later.

Can you reset the srs indication light on my 2003 honda pilot?

u cant reset the SRS aka air bag light unless u send it out to somebody who does airbag computer resetting. or u can just change the computer out by removing the center console and its right by the shifter.

My ex is confusing me, what to do?

I broke up with my ex about a week ago. She hasn't contacted me since. But she added me as a friend on facebook, and now she takes the time to email me to say that my email account got hacked (You know, those ones where it sends out spam from your email address) I think I got it sorted, as I changed my password. But anyway, she doesn't contact me for all this time, then she says this. She told my best mate that she cheated on me, and then when I confronted her, she denied it altogether. I loved this girl so damn much. I tried everything to make it work. She was my world, and I had it threw back into my face. We were best friends for about five years in high school, and she liked me for about a year beforehand. She wants it back to the friendship stage, where we could be like we were then. It seems like a good idea from the start, but I don't see it working as she hurt me. What does anyone make of this? What is she trying to do? She told me herself that she wasn't ready for a commitment. Yet, she could have told me that before.

Does anyone know the answer to this qustion? Also muslim guys can answer this question. Please help me?

I think u need some serious help!and who told you afghanz r terrorists??im pretty damn sure that u dnt kno all the ******** afghans in america,just becuz one gay **** did sumthin wrong it doesnt make the whole afghan population bad.its just like sayen that white ppl r mean *** sucking bitchs(becuz of slavery) but that wouldnt b true & not rite becuz i dnt kno all of them,and not everyones the same(get real dude and open up ur closed eyes!

Jealous dog dominates my dog?

I have a situation regarding my dog. i'm going on a vacation for 7 days and cant take my dog with me. my bfriend's mom has a shi tzu so she offered to care for my dog (lhasa apso) while we'll be away. Unfortunatelly, her dog is very jealous, dominating, and obviously cant stand my dog. (she has no rules at home) My dog is well trained and submissive so every time when the other dog dominates her, she surrender, i feel so sorry for my dog. My dog is not allowed to do anything around this jelaous dog.I dont have anybody who would i trust to leave my dog and i know that she will be in good hands with my bfriend mom, accept her dog. I feel unsure about leaving my dog with them. Please share your oppinion or solution with me.

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Why are Americans so ignorant about arranged marriage?

you are being unfair and labeling all Americans. Not all of us are ignorant, though there are many who are. I am an American but i also have a lot of respect for other cultures and i enjoy learning about them and traveling to other countries. You sound so angry friend, maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge.

Growling and barking

We got a 8 week old lhasa apso bichon frise cross puppy last week, she was perfect the first few days and we loved her to pieces, then 3 days ago she turned nasty and growls at me and partner, ie when she wants to get on sofa or when we put her in her play pen. Sometimes she will even start growling just when we are looking at her. We try and discipline her, tellng her NO and ignoring it and have banned her from the sofa, yet she seems to be getting worse and has started to bark as well as growling. We really are at a loss of what to do now as we love her but can't cope with an aggressive dog.

How to treat a sore leg & a sore neck?

Well I'm in cheer & tumbling and yesterday I had class and woah did i work my butt off! So after the class, none of my body hurted or at night then i went to sleep and when i woke up DAMN, my neck & leg & part of my back is sore. How can i treat this FAST cause i have class in 3 days! HELP

Wisdom Teeth Stopped Hurting Completely?

OK, I have this wisdom teeth (upper right corner) that was hurting like never before it's been going on for a week. So the day before yesterday I placed an appointment for my dentist to get rid of the damn thing, but for some reason it stopped hurting it's like it was never there. To test it out I tried drinking cold water but nothing happens, it stopped hurting completely for 2 days now and my appointment is on this upcoming Thursday. So my question is should I still have it remove? or leave the damn thing alone.

Llasa apso moms (dog) can someone tell me whats normal for this breed?

my mom has a Llasa apso 5 yr. old female I am not to familiar with this dogs breed. Heres the deal everywhere I read it says these dogs are companion like and happy. This dog sits around like a lump on a log. she wil go for walks but when she doesnt feel like walking anymore shell just lay down in the road...when she is home she finds a spot and lays there all hear noises but doesnt move. I had to move her just to make sure she was alive. I asked my mom if this is what she did all the time and she said she has always been this way even as a pup. I am not a vet but I knew something had to be wrong I told her to take her to the vet. Sure enough they found something wrong she tested positive for worms. we gave her the medicine then repeated in two weeks and were waiting to take her back and get another feces test. Its been a month now. I dont know if this is related to how she acts. I think it could be that the parasite is starting to die and cuasing her to be very sick. That being said. she will constantly rub her head against a wall in ONE particular spot in the house. then, shell dig at the wall. Another time she will sound ike a squeling pig and wont want anyone to touch her and slide her head along the side of the couch. shell lick the air as if something is lodged in her throat. Again we took her to the vet to see if there was any obstruction in her throat and nothing was found, but her habits kept repeating. The dog seems sad all the time. sleeps all day and does not even want to go outside. She doesnt drink water and rarely eats.What can my mom do to bring some joy back into this poor dog. Has anyone ever experienced this with their llaspo aspso?

Where to live when working near Brisbane?

My family and I will be moving to Australia in the next two months and have still not decided upon an area. My husband has just had an interview for a job in Brisbane Technology Park, ( Eight Mile Plains). Like all Brits, we want a large house with a pool which is close to beach and has excellent schools and community vibe. We don't know anyone in Brisbane so would need to be able to settle in quickly. We don't mind not being in Brisbane but commute to tech park needs to be no more than 45mins. Our kids are 9 & 2 so schools, parks and safety are crucial. We have a budget of around $500pw and we want 4 beds, space and pool - please give me some indication of the areas we could afford.

Harp and Hamp........HELP?

I'm nowhere near losing my home at the present time . However , in 3-4 years I maybe in that situation . My wife will retire which will bring our income down at least $1,000 per month . My 10 yr int only loan will go up about $300 -$ 500 leaving me in a bind . I'm trying to prepare for future $$ problem, but it seems as if there is no help for individuals such as myself . The HARP program makes my payment go up . From early indications I will not qualify for HAMP . What can a person like me do ? Retiring wife and increasing loan . councilor said I may have to sell my house and move rent . Where is the real help ?

Friday, July 15, 2011

No morning sickness with 1st child. Expecting my 2nd and had morning sickness. Does this indicate the sex?

Hi all. I had no morning sickness or cravings with my 1st pregnancy and i had a boy. I am now expecting my 2nd and have had sickness and cravings. Could this be an indication of the sex of the baby? xxx

Why do Shih Tzu's and Lhasa's need frequent baths?

They don't if you don't keep them in long coat. One of my Tzu has very fine hair that does not do well long so unfortunately we had to shave his body - would never recommend shaving the coat. Our other has a gorgeous coat and is kept long, she needs more regular baths but we do bath them both at the same time as the one in short coat has allergies so that helps him. & they must be fully dried with a hairdryer.

10 points! what is a more common indication that your period will begin in 2-3 days?

Wet discharge or being generally "dry"....I am 12 dpo and keep getting neg. preg. test but I have been really wet since after ovulation and my period is due in 2 days so I was just wondering if most people associate a lot of wetness when their period is due or are they typically dry at this time??

Where can i buy a lhasa apso?

hiiiii I am looking for a lhasa apso so does anyone no where any breeders are in the cleveland area?! Thank u so much if u anser

I think My child has a mental illness,please help!?

Hes five. His mom, who he goes to more than his dad (they are split) has babied him. shes in, very simple words, an unfit mom. shes attempted suicide, shesgot two other kids that she cant even care for. he will stand there and just pick at his skin till it bleeds and bends his fingers backwords and whatt not. he would rather stand in a corner than play with pepole. he will just be laying in bed ro sitting down and we glance over and hes picking at his hands or body and mumbling things silently. he throws fits worse than anything and stomps. he recently screamed 'damn you' at me in a fit of anger. he cant seem to stop the picking and scratching all over. he will flat out refurse to eat something and then make himself sick if we make him eat it. is it just the way hes been brought up so far or do u believe its something mental?

How to tell if my dog will get along with my new puppy?

I have a two year old male Lhasa apso and I recently got a new shih tzu puppy. We had her at 7 weeks and she is now 11 weeks old. My other dog and her play a lot, but he is very territorial! He goes nuts if she even tries to come near his food or he'll try to knock her down when she tries to jump onto the couch. On top of that, he hides all the toys on the couch so she can't play with them. I spend a lot of time with them both just so neither of them gets jealous. However, my Lhasa apso still gets jealous and wants all the attention on him. Will they get along okay??

Can we let Michael Jackson rest?

Jesus freakin Christ I am so tired of hearing about this man! Ok, to all the krazy killer mj fans... No disrespect to him, Yes he is "God" of the music industry, The Great Bambino, The Colossus of Clout!! But Gott damn son of a ***** his logo, brand & music is getting some what tiring (not old classics never die understand the difference) Its seems like ppl worship this guy like an idol....kinda scary!!

RHH: Rate/Hate my latest verse?

If you were a good technical rapper (if your flows on point, your voice, your breath control) and you continue to spit verses like this, you'd get signed to an underground label without a doubt. Seriously, a mic, you're an incredible lyricist.

I have a question about a picture.?

I found this beautiful scenic off the net and downloaded and blew it up. I was going to frame it and put it on my bedroom wall. When I blew it up though I noticed there was a water mark right the middle of the blue sky. It was a four digit number. Does anybody have a clue what that four digit number referred to? Does it give any indication of where the picture came from?

SPEAKERS ARE NOT WORKING!!!!! please help me ........?

Not much can be done at this point, perhaps your speakers can be repaired, but I don't think it'll be worth the money to do so. In the future, buy and install surge protectors for your all your expensive electronics. This will helps prevent surge spikes from damaging the sensitive electronics inside such devices as your speakers. Good luck.

Does pool chemicals effect dogs hair?

I have a Lhasa apso mix that I take swimming in my pool, but she has light hair. I know humans hair can turn green so can dogs hair turn green to? Thanks

How much does it cost to replace a battery and get a new frame for a computer?

Okay, I've had this computer for around 2 years, the frame {you know, the stuff around the screen and keyboard} is damn near destroyed, and the battery is so bad it can only hold a 15 minute charge. I use a Dell Windows 7 computer, it was around 1,000 dollars. In all seriousness, how much would it cost to replace these things? 100$? 500$? Or can you not replace them? Also, I wouldn't mind also knowing how much it costs to replace a screen, because the screen also has water damage...

Why do people even get married?

People get married, live their life according to their spouse, have kids, have kids drama, divorce and than do it all over again. Why? Just live your damn life! Instead of getting married, buy a boat for example. Party in the boat whenever you want, date whoever you want and don't have anyone telling you what to do like he/she is your parent or something.

Why does my puppy always snap at us?

I have a lhasa apso puppy, five months old. And whenever he has something he knows he shouldn't be biting or food and you touch him or go near him, he'll snap at you viciously. He bites too, but it doesn't really hurt like when he does that. Is this normal for a puppy?

Body hair during first trimester?

It is pregnancy and all the lovely high levels of hormones that come with it, welcome to motherhood and body hair you thought you would never ever see. Nope, not gender, we all get it.

When a guy tells you he's willing to wait for sex; Is this an indication of love?

It means he cares about you. It's very hard for guys to wait, so when he decides to, it means a lot.

New born puppy hours old smaller than the rest and all floppy and keeps gasping for air what should I do?

new born puppy lhasa apso hours old but wont drink from mother its all floppy and when it breathes it opens its mouth real wide and sucking in air making squecking noises what shall I do???????????????????????????????

I got pregnant with my twins at 19 yrs. old when i missed 3 pills..general indication that I am fertile or no?

I am now trying to get pregnant and this will be my second month trying but i thought that I would get pregnant right away because of my first unexpected pregnancy with twins on this not true or a reliable way of weighing fertility??

Do you think I sprained my ankle?

its probably sprained if its still hurting when you walk. it could be a very minor sprain that could resolve itself in several days but i would suggest going to a doctor or patient first to see what they recommend (usually not walking on it for a few days does the trick)

Is it ok too feed my dog an egg a day?

hello i have a lhasa apso - around 7 months of age - Is it okay to feed her an egg a day ?? V feed her pedigree but she won't eat unless v add egg to it!! she is a picky eater and i know its all my i tried to feed her only pedigree ........but then i found out that pedigree isn't the best food for dogs??? And i'm helpless in this case as there is only pedigree ( and 1-2 other brands wich are also bad ) available....:( So i figured giving egg with pedigree wouldn't be that bad aftr all.....what do you think? And should i boil it? Scrambl? Or raw??? PLease help......

I have a 2003 Honda Accord Coupe.?

The clock, CD display and temperature indication display is intermitent. If I tap on the dashboard it illuminates. Anybody know how to fix this problem? TY

Is my puppy a Shih Tzu or a Lhasa Apso?

The breeder who sold him said he was a Shih Tzu, which is what i wanted. My puppy, Logan, was given to me as a surprise after my rescued shih tzu died a week after i rescued him from the animal shelter. I'm just not sure that Logan is really a Shih Tzu and not a Lhasa Apso..... Since Yahoo won't let me post the pics here, i put them on imageshack.

Will I have to help my shih tzu give birth?

Hi u have just breed my shih tzu for the first time but breed her with a lhasa apso. Will she need help giving birth? And how Many pups should I expect the father has giving 8 pups twice does that mean my shih tzu could have 8 thanks Dawn

Why did she have to leave me?

It is not at all silly. People become extremely attached to their pets. As long as you treat them nice they don't care if you are rich or poor or live on the streets. They are the least judgmental friends you will ever have in your entire life. Pets enhance the quality of every day of your life. What a sad world this would be without our pets. I am so sorry you lost your friends. It is an unfortunate fact of nature that pets do not live as long as people and you will have a number of pets during your life time. Enjoy, cherish and remember fondly all who have shared your life. You obviously have provided them with a good home and a great deal of love. Kudos to you for being willing to share your life with these four legged friends. I still have photos of pets I had when I was a child many, many years ago. I can fully understand how you feel.

Is Hannibal Lecter insane?

Evil? Certainly. Sadistic? Often. Manipulative? Definitely. Insane? Not to me. Hannibal is definitely a sociopath if not a psychopath due to the lack of remorse he displays in his murders. However, he is quite logical in his thinking and his plans; he was also able to function perfectly fine in society before he was captured and he was very charming, thusly no one would have pegged him for a serial killer. He also doesn't target random people as a true psychotic person would; he typically kills if people are a threat to him or if they are simply rude to him. The fact that he eats his victims could be indication of insanity, but his ability to understand the consequences of his actions isn't something an insane person would have.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our 10 month old lhasa apso STILL pees in the house when we are away...?

If we are upstairs or out of the house, and leave him in the living room only for about an hour or two, he would pee on the floor. He is house trained but if we leave him alone, he will pee on the floor. However, he is able to hold it in when we are around. What can we do?

Hispanic people what would you do if this happened to you?

So my five friends and I were walking into burger king. This guy behind us loudly said "why are there so many damn Mexicans? Is there a sale on bean burritos or something?" we quickly turned around and looked at him and he looked scared once he saw my guy friends who are 6'4" and who are soccer players. We left the place before someone caused a scene. Btw none of us are mexican we're salvadorean, not that I have anything against Mexicans. What would you have done in this situation.

Why does my puppy run off with socks and shoe?

I have a 5 month old Lhasa apso, he is forever running off with socks shoes knickers and now chewing the doormat he takes them in the garden and starts chewing them, i have tried saying no in a strict voice and tapped him a couple of times he gets walked regularly and lots of attention, he has lost a couple of baby teeth thought the chewing could be maybe his gums being sore.....any advice please would be really grateful ty for listening

Is it ok too feed my dog an egg a day?

hello i have a lhasa apso - around 7 months of age - Is it okay to feed her an egg a day ?? V feed her pedigree but she won't eat unless v add egg to it!! she is a picky eater and i know its all my i tried to feed her only pedigree ........but then i found out that pedigree isn't the best food for dogs??? And i'm helpless in this case as there is only pedigree ( and 1-2 other brands wich are also bad ) available....:( So i figured giving egg with pedigree wouldn't be that bad aftr all.....what do you think? And should i boil it? Scrambl? Or raw??? PLease help......

Our 7 year old recue dog won't go toilet when out for a walk?

We have rescued a Lhasa Apso, he can be walked up to 3 miles and not go to the toilet but if he's in the house and left for even 2 minutes he will go. I can understand some of it is separation anxiety as he was with his last owner from a pup, then put into a kennels but how can we get him going to the toilet when he's walking

Is he a chauvinistic? Need advise!?

my boyfriend says that it would be ok with him if i score equal % as him or may be 2 or 3 % more..while he is damn encouraging when it comes to participation or leading something where even he is involved. i dont understand clearly why these different he a chauvinistic?

How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?

Also on average ... if theres any vets out there or people who have had dogs experience then how much do you think it will cost my dogs ( Lhasa apso ) i got told of the vet its around 170 .. but im not sure if thats good or not thanks !!!

Can anyone help me find clarity with my break-up? Genuine answers only..please?

Here is a genuine answer..Please don't postpone the inevitable.. find work elsewhere. Cut ties with this man. Focus on your children.. get on with your own life. It is really that simple. Good Luck. God Bless.

My dog is scared of other dogs? HELP PLEASE!?

She couldn't have learned it from her dad, because they don't usually stay around. BUT entirely possible she inherited this trait to be timid.

PLEASE HELP!!! Why am I so damn Happy? Haha?

Everyone tells me I need to grow up, but I don't really get why. I'm never really Mad,Sad, Negative or basically anything like that. I always have fun no matter what the situation is. I don't really have a family at home and I always get high and party. But everyone thinks it's weird how I act so energetic even when I don't sleep for a couple days at a time. I try so hard to make everyone to cheer-up, mellow out, chill down and everything. And they still call me Immature and a class clown. I find it weird sometimes, but it's like WTF? I'm just trying to make everybody have a good time. At first i thought I tried to make people like me, then I realized that i don't care what they think. I party regardless. I'm a very rebellious dude, and I don't really like societies "system" it takes the fun out of life. I try hard to encourage having fun everywhere. I'm not really useful to society because I blow crap up and do stupid things. But I'm just babbling at this point, anyway am I too happy? should I just start being "normal" and stop being so crazy?

Is the sound my car is making an indication of a problem?

My car makes a slight high-pitched almost raspy squealy sound while driving- not braking. I can hear it with my window down when I'm on the freeway by a barrier to reflect the sound. Does anyone know what's making the sound or if it's an indication of a problem?

How do i stop my puppy running between my legs?

My 8 week old lhasa apso is always running in between my legs around the house. Is there any reason for this? And is there any way to train him to run on one side of me? It's got to a point where he sometimes sneaks up on me and I don't realise he's there and I an close to kicking or stepping on him by accident. I don't want to hurt the little guy!

Fender stratocaster ... Am special, std, or deluxe ?! Plz check the details.?

I would Definitely go with the American Standard. The Sound of the Deluxe isnt all that better, if its even better at all...its not worth it. The American special is just not up to par with the sound of the standard.