Friday, July 15, 2011

Why did she have to leave me?

It is not at all silly. People become extremely attached to their pets. As long as you treat them nice they don't care if you are rich or poor or live on the streets. They are the least judgmental friends you will ever have in your entire life. Pets enhance the quality of every day of your life. What a sad world this would be without our pets. I am so sorry you lost your friends. It is an unfortunate fact of nature that pets do not live as long as people and you will have a number of pets during your life time. Enjoy, cherish and remember fondly all who have shared your life. You obviously have provided them with a good home and a great deal of love. Kudos to you for being willing to share your life with these four legged friends. I still have photos of pets I had when I was a child many, many years ago. I can fully understand how you feel.

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