Saturday, July 16, 2011

MARRIED PEOPLE: Before being married, did you still experience highs and lows?

When my husband and I were dating we'd get into some crazy arguments. Sometimes we'd threaten to break up, but we'd usually come to our senses. He can be a difficult person sometimes and I can be a difficult person. It's hard making those two things mesh into a happy relationship. We knew we wanted to be together, so we made it work. We rarely ever get into arguments now. I've accepted the things about him that used to bug me and he knows not to take it personal if I get in a cranky mood. So fighting a lot in the beginning is not necessarily a sign that your relationship won't work out. It's just figuring out each other and learning how to live with one another, imo. I would stop with the breaking up though, unless you really mean it. If you're both angry, walk away, chill out, and really think it over. Try not to say something you'll regret later.

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