Saturday, July 16, 2011

Llasa apso moms (dog) can someone tell me whats normal for this breed?

my mom has a Llasa apso 5 yr. old female I am not to familiar with this dogs breed. Heres the deal everywhere I read it says these dogs are companion like and happy. This dog sits around like a lump on a log. she wil go for walks but when she doesnt feel like walking anymore shell just lay down in the road...when she is home she finds a spot and lays there all hear noises but doesnt move. I had to move her just to make sure she was alive. I asked my mom if this is what she did all the time and she said she has always been this way even as a pup. I am not a vet but I knew something had to be wrong I told her to take her to the vet. Sure enough they found something wrong she tested positive for worms. we gave her the medicine then repeated in two weeks and were waiting to take her back and get another feces test. Its been a month now. I dont know if this is related to how she acts. I think it could be that the parasite is starting to die and cuasing her to be very sick. That being said. she will constantly rub her head against a wall in ONE particular spot in the house. then, shell dig at the wall. Another time she will sound ike a squeling pig and wont want anyone to touch her and slide her head along the side of the couch. shell lick the air as if something is lodged in her throat. Again we took her to the vet to see if there was any obstruction in her throat and nothing was found, but her habits kept repeating. The dog seems sad all the time. sleeps all day and does not even want to go outside. She doesnt drink water and rarely eats.What can my mom do to bring some joy back into this poor dog. Has anyone ever experienced this with their llaspo aspso?

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