Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How are we expected to believe in any form of deity given the condition of the world we live in?

I am a Catholic (sort of) and no matter how much I try to believe that there is some form of God looking out for me and all other believers, I can't wrap my head around it. To me, a truly caring God wouldn't subjugate His children to live in a world like this, where rape, murder, greed, and war are commonplace. To me, He would make his presence known; to tell His children that they are not alone and that He will help them and love them no matter what happens. Contrarily, I've seen no indication that there is any such thing as Divine Intervention or that God involves himself in the affairs of mortals at all. If God wants all of His children to get into Heaven, wouldn't he erase any doubt that he exists by simply coming down from Heaven and making it clear that He does? It just doesn't make sense to me...

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